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IFE Specialist


  • Technical college specializations

  • Electrical IFE Specializations

  • Basic English

  • Electronic

  • Technical support

  • Networking

  • Holds a license to practice a profession from the civil Aviation Authority in his home country


We also undertake to contract with trained employees and skilled individuals with working experience to comply with the needs and requirements of your company in accordance with the conditions and instructions issued from the Ministry of Interior and Civil Aviation Authorities, the laws and directives issued by the official competent authorities. Besides all that is related to the execution of support services in addition to their task, knowledge of services entrusted to them and of their characters as follow:


  1. Good Behavior

  2. Physical and medical fitness

  3. Full ability to perform all procedures and services entrusted to them

  4. Understanding the security instructions

  5. Commitment to wear their uniforms during working hours

  6. Report writing skills when needed


The specific tasks of each job will be explained and discussed with the candidates by (SAEI) representative before we contract with them so that we can select the best candidates can complete the tasks entrusted to them by you as follows. Also we will produce all the applicants before your representative in their country for his final selection and hiring.




In the IFE line

  • Check the entertainment system and rectify all failure

  • Check cabin lights and fix as requested

  • Check cabin inter phone system and fix as requested

In the IFE hanger

  • Check and install wiring in cabin area

  • Check entertainment + cabin lights + cabin inter phone.

  • Check galley and lav, wiring and rectify as requested

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